Community News

November 2, 2010 (Harrison, NJ) The polls are open throughout New Jersey for Election Day. In the only contested election in West Hudson, the candidates were out early organizing their Get Out The Vote (GOTV) portion of their respective campaigns.

The McCormick Team delivered yesterday a negative campaign letter entitled Secrecy Breeds Corruption which attacked Mayor Raymond McDonough, Councilman James Doran and Council Candidate/Former Councilman Anselmo Millan. The flyer also set forth four proposals to improve Recreation, Senior Housing, Home Improvements, and Business District Development.

October 31, 2010 (Harrison, NJ) Mayor Raymond McDonough has won the "Who's Your Choice for Harrison Mayor" poll. Mayor McDonough got a little over 60% of the vote to Councilwoman/Mayoral Candidate Marie McCormick's 35% of the vote. Republican Candidate Dan Kelly got just slightly less than 4.9% of the vote. After our poll started, KOTW learned that Dan Kelly had dropped out of the race. It is not clear whether he will be on the ballot.

Polls are open on Election Day, November 2nd, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

KOTW urges are registered voters to cast their vote. Your polling location is printed on the front of the Sample Ballot mailed to registered voters this past week. If you did not receive a Sample Ballot and are unsure of where you can cast your vote, you can click here and find your voting location.

September 1, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) At the end of August 2003, KOTW installed a new Discussion Board. At first, there was some resistance to the look and feel of the new Discussion Board and some users complained. Since that initial major upgrade, the Discussion Board has been updated on a couple of occasions. One update was because someone hacked into the Board and left us a message to make sure to update on a regular basis. No posts were compromised and the installation of an update resolved the issue.

October 20, 2010 (Harrison, NJ) The General Election is less than two weeks away, so we thought it would be a good idea to run a poll in the only contested local election the Harrison Mayor & Council election.

KOTW has started a Poll in the right margin on who is your choice for Mayor in Harrison. Is it incumbent Mayor Raymond McDonough, Independent (Democrat) Councilwoman Maria McCormick or Republican Daniel Kelly.

The comments on our Discussion Board have been heated regarding the Harrison election. KOTW has tried to be fair in allowing each side to make their points. One poster in particular has accused KOTW of being partial. Those who have been long time patrons of KearnyOnTheWeb know that overall KOTW allows all comments to be made. Their are exceptions but those are few and far between.

Remember our poll is not scientific but only for fun. What matters is who comes out on Election Day and exercises their right to vote.

August 14, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) In August of 2003, KearnyOnTheWeb launched a new version of its Discussion Board. The KOTW Discussion Board has gone through some updates through the years. This week we reached a milestone of 78,000 posts. An average of over 11,000 posts per year.

The Discussion Board has been at the heart of KOTW since its beginning. The Board has ebbs and flows and at times runs hot and cold. Some folks are regular visitors while others check in from time to time. KOTW's policy of trying not to edit posts has resulted in some interesting information being posted to the Discussion Board. The most visitors logged into the Discussion Board at one time was on December 19, 2006 when 167 were logged. Having 167 folks logged in at one time might not seem to be a lot (and it isn't) but in 2006 there was an average of 10 or 15 individuals logged in at any given time.