November 2, 2010 (Harrison, NJ) The polls are open throughout New Jersey for Election Day. In the only contested election in West Hudson, the candidates were out early organizing their Get Out The Vote (GOTV) portion of their respective campaigns.

The McCormick Team delivered yesterday a negative campaign letter entitled Secrecy Breeds Corruption which attacked Mayor Raymond McDonough, Councilman James Doran and Council Candidate/Former Councilman Anselmo Millan. The flyer also set forth four proposals to improve Recreation, Senior Housing, Home Improvements, and Business District Development.

It is not clear what impact the flyer will have on the Election due to its late delivery and what appears to be a momentum build up by the McDonough team in the past two weeks. Mayor McDonough's message of a need for an Experienced Mayor and Council given tough economic times has been contrasted against a "complain only" McCormick Team camp.

The attack on Council Candidate Anselmo Millan was of the personal nature and a little unexpected as Millan has stated publicly that he would not run a negative campaign against Councilman Steve McCormick. Millan got Steve McCormick elected by placing him on his slate of candidates when he ran against the Mayor four years ago.

The last minute attack on Millan may be an indication that the McCormick team is getting frustrated by Millan's message getting across to voters who remember Millan's many achievements during his 10 years as a councilman representing the 2nd Ward. Mayor McDonough may have won the election when he convinced Millan to join his team and combine their efforts on behalf of the residents of Harrison. McDonough and Millan have been concentrating on reaching every voter in the 2nd ward. According to our election sources, McDonough has made the 2nd ward a priority in the Election although he has walked throughout the town with the other council candidates on his ticket.

KOTW will be reporting Election results soon after the polls close. Check back later and throughout the day for updates here and on our Discussion Board.