June 20, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) After spending over nine years as Kearny's Business Administrator Joseph D'Arco has decided to leave Kearny and accept a job as the Borough of Paramus' Administrator. D'Arco will retire by the end of June and will start his new job with the Borough of Paramus on August 1, 2010. Guest members of KOTW's Discussion Board had previously posted rumors of D'Arco's intentions to leave Kearny.

The move is not without controversy as D'Arco will be receiving two incomes as a result of his move from Kearny to Paramus. The first income will be from his State retirement benefits. The second income will be from his new salary as the Borough of Paramus business administrator. Paramus is paying D'Arco twenty thousand dollars less than Kearny. D'Arco made $162,000 per year in Kearny and will make $142,000 per year in Paramus.

According to a news report in the Bergen County record, D'Arco's appointment in Paramus wasn't without controversy. Democrats on the Paramus council questioned D'Arco on his use of what they termed a loophole in the state pension regulations that allowed an individual to collect his state pension while he worked full-time for another government entity. According to the quote in the Bergen Record, Councilman Richard LaBarbiera said, "As I understand it, he is double dipping. That's the definition of double dipping, when you're getting the pension from one location and then you go to the other." Democrats on the council opposed D'Arco's appointment stating that the Republican were spending taxpayer money unnecessarily. Paramus' public employees had agreed previously to forgo salary increases to avoid layoffs.

According to D'Arco a new state law made it possible for him to retire and move to an unpensioned job because incoming borough administrators are no longer eligible for retirement benefits. D'Arco is also waiving his health benefits since he will receive health benefits through his Kearny pension. D'Arco is also giving up the use of a Town Owned car a benefit he received in Kearny.

D'Arco has been a controversial figure in Kearny. Several town employees have filed suit against Kearny stating that D'Arco violated their rights. The Kearny On The Web Discussion Board has had several conversations about D'Arco throughout the years. Visit our Discussion Board and conduct a search for D'Arco.

Express your opinion on whether D'Arco should be able to retire and move to another town to collect a second income. Whether Kearny needs another Business Administrator or whether Mayor Alberto Santos can manage the town without one? Did the new state law push D'Arco out of his position forcing him to retire? Or did D'Arco take advantage of a loophole to the detriment of the taxpayers?