Community News

December 31, 2010. (Kearny, NJ) KOTW wants to wish our members and guests a very Happy New Year. In 2010, KOTW strove to make several improvements to KearnyOnTheWeb. KOTW is proud of our accomplishment and we strive to continue to provide a service to the community we serve.

Join us in watching this year live from New York's Time Square the New Year Celebration and the traditional dropping of the ball.

Live Video will be streaming here on KOTW courtesy of

Watch live streaming video from 2011 click play button above

December 26, 2010. (Kearny, NJ) A Winter Snow Storm has hit West Hudson. An accumulation of 10 to 14 inches of snow is expected but with blowing snow there may be areas with greater accumulations.

The Harrison Weather Station had the following weather forecast on its website early this morning: Areas of blowing snow this evening. Blowing snow after midnight. Snow may be heavy at times this evening. Visibility one quarter mile or less at times. Snow accumulation of 10 to 14 inches. Very windy with lows around 20. North winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Chance of snow near 100 percent. Wind chill values as low as 2 below.

3D Laser Gifts non seasonal banner linking to home page.

December 11, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) Kearny Fireman have reached an agreement with Mayor Alberto Santos that will save the Town of Kearny $1.1 million. The givebacks are numerous but seem to be a one time fix. The list of givebacks are as follows: comp time instead of overtime; wage and step freezes for the department's 17 newest members; $750 in contributions from each member of the department and 10 firefighters who have retired since 2007; and the cancellation of a lawsuit challenging a state-mandated 1.5 percent contribution toward firefighters' health insurance. 468 Banner

December 24, 2010. (Kearny, NJ) KOTW wishes everyone Merry Christmas and a belated Happy Hanukkah. I especially want to give thanks for those who have supported KOTW throughout the years. Some have supported KOTW by taking time to express their opinion on our Discussion Board. Others have purchased some of the KOTW merchandise or made purchases by clicking on our advertisers. Every purchase insures the future success of KearnyOnTheWeb. KOTW has tried throughout the year to make improvement to the website. This year we revamped the look and feel of the website, updated KOTW's Discussion Board, and added a "Shop" section for those who are interested in supporting KOTW through shopping with our very fine advertisers.

December 4, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) Kearny Mayor Alberto Santos, in an apparent response to criticism from the Kearny Police and Fire Department unions, has written an Open Letter to the Residents of Kearny and posted the letter on the town's official website.

The letter addresses the issue of Police and Fire Department layoffs indirectly pointing out the economic crisis facing the town in 2011. The Town Budget is set for adoption this Tuesday, December 7, 2010. The Budget includes Police and Fire layoffs. Here is the Mayor's letter printed in its entirety:

An Open Letter To The Residents Of Kearny From Mayor Santos Regarding 2011 Budget

For the past six months I have repeatedly raised the alarm that 2011 will be a very difficult year for balancing municipal budgets throughout New Jersey. As we near the end of 2010, a perfect storm of events has made the outlook even bleaker.

In July of this year Governor Christie signed a law that limits property tax increases to 2% a year beginning in 2011. Also promised, but never adopted, was a “tool kit” of reforms to restrain the cost drivers in local budgets, such as pension and health insurance costs and the binding arbitration process for police and fire personnel. With no reforms enacted, costs continue to leap upward. In Kearny, the health insurance bill is going up by 12%, pension payments by 13% and garbage disposal by 19%. Municipal salaries are continuing apace with an arbitrator’s five-year award that would make a Kearny firefighter’s salary on July 1, 2011 a stunning 17.25% higher than it was in 2010.