Community News

March 27, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) The vote count on our Kearny Board of Education poll has exploded in the past day. As of Saturday morning candidate John Munro has received 244 votes or 63.9% of the vote with incumbent Bernadette McDonald receiving 84 votes or 22% of the vote. Since we started our polls late last year there has not been such participation in our polls.

KOTW knew that the heightened interest in the Kearny Board of Education election reflected in our Discussion Board would make for an interesting poll but we had not expected this level of participation from our readers.


March 26, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) Incumbent candidate Bernadette McDonald has taken a decisive lead in our poll on who is your first choice for the Kearny School Board Election. In a turn of events, the previous leader candidate George King has dropped into fifth place. Candidate John Munro is steadily gaining votes and may surpass incumbent candidate Bernadette McDonald.

The Kearny Board of Education poll demonstrates that there is a heightened interest in this year's Board of Education race which is scheduled for April 20, 2010. Even though our polls aren't exactly scientific, they have reflected local sentiment on a variety of community issues. Our Discussion Board has of course been active with varying opinions on the current Board of Education members and the three challengers, George King, John Munro, and Bob O'Malley.

March 21, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) Our Poll "Is Governor Christie Too Tough on the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC)?" shows that there is little sympathy for the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission among our readership. Ninety Four and a Half Percent (94.5%) of the poll participants did not think that Governor Chris Christie was being "too tough" on the PVSC. Only Five and a half percent (5.5%) thought that the Governor was being "too tough". There were a total of 109 participants in the poll. The vote totals broke down 103 votes for No the Governor was not being too tough versus 6 that he was being too tough.

During the course of our poll, the Director of the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission Executive Director Bryan Christiansen retired from his $330,000 a year job. Christiansen will receive a reported $175,000 per year during his retirement.

March 24, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) Candidate George King leads in our poll "Who's Your First Pick for Kearny's Board of Education?" which started this Sunday.

Candidate Bob O'Malley is in second place with incumbent Alan Doffant and Candidate John Munro sharing third place. Incumbent Bernadette McDonald is in fourth place. While incumbent Joseph Sglaia has garnered zero votes so far.

The Kearny Board of Education election will be held on April 20, 2010. The KOTW Discussion Board thread simply entitled "BOE" has been active with discussions on the issues making part of the candidate campaigns. One of the topics is the proposal to make a middle school.


The Kearny Board of Education is a hot topic on KearnyOnTheWeb's Discussion Board. In the run up to the filing of petitions for the April School Board Election, supporters of various factions posted to the topic entitled simply "BOE" in the Kearny section of our Discussion Board.

The topic started out innocently enough with the question "Does anyone have any idea who is going to be running for BOE?" but has since generated over 3400 visits and 7 pages of posts. KOTW has been busy monitoring and on occasion editing some of the posts.

Challengers George King, John Munro and Bob O'Malley are running against incumbents Bernadette McDonald, Joe Sgalia and Alan Doffant. The Kearny School Board of Education election will be held on April 20, 2010 between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. The election traditionally has low voter turnout.

A couple of issues have been discussed on our Discussion Board including the proposal to create a Middle School in Kearny.