August 14, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) In August of 2003, KearnyOnTheWeb launched a new version of its Discussion Board. The KOTW Discussion Board has gone through some updates through the years. This week we reached a milestone of 78,000 posts. An average of over 11,000 posts per year.

The Discussion Board has been at the heart of KOTW since its beginning. The Board has ebbs and flows and at times runs hot and cold. Some folks are regular visitors while others check in from time to time. KOTW's policy of trying not to edit posts has resulted in some interesting information being posted to the Discussion Board. The most visitors logged into the Discussion Board at one time was on December 19, 2006 when 167 were logged. Having 167 folks logged in at one time might not seem to be a lot (and it isn't) but in 2006 there was an average of 10 or 15 individuals logged in at any given time.

When there were 40 folks logged in at 1 a.m. in the morning, we knew something was up. A quick Google search revealed that KOTW had been mentioned in a New York Times article on the Matthew LaClair / David Paszkiewicz Preaching in School controversy. If you use the sites search features you can read both the articles on our main site and the discussion threads on our Discussion Board. The Discussion Board threads have very informative threads on Separation of Church and State doctrine. KOTW thanks all that participated in the Discussion although at times we struggled to adhere to our "try not to edit" policy we are glad we did not edit the posts as each individual could come to their own conclusion based upon an open discussion of the topic.

In the years to come, KOTW looks forward to continuing to provide the opportunity to its readers to post their opinion and share information about our local community as well as national and world issues. Thank you for your continued support and patronage.