Community News

November 6, 2009 (Harrison, NJ) The Harrison Health Department issued a color flyer warning residents and property owners that the Health Department and the Department of Public Works (DPW) will be stepping up enforcement of litter rules.

The flyer states that "In order to keep the sidewalks and streets of Harrison clean and litter-free, kindly adhere to the following rules:

DO NOT place Supermarket Type Bags at the Curb - only large,durable plastic bags may be used (and they must be securely tied)

November 3, 2009 (Kearny, NJ) Governor Elect Chris Christie has promised to Take Back New Jersey in a victory speech in Parsippany. Christie stated that the State of New Jersey is in a crisis but that he is full of hope for the future of New Jersey. Christie promised to govern New Jersey without regard to party, geography or race.

November 3, 2009 (Kearny, NJ) Mayor Alberto Santos has been re-elected receiving 3632 votes (57.77%) and challenger John Leadbeater 2653 (42.20%) with 2 votes (.03) going to Personal Choices.

The election was closer than many expected given Mayor Santos' popularity. Challenger John Leadbeater was not considered a serious opponent to Mayor Santos. Leadbeater however ran a grassroots campaign and apparently made headway in getting his message out. Kearny's Republican party did not field a full slate of candidates and Leadbeater was not considered a very strong Mayoral candidate.


November 3, 2009 (Kearny, NJ) Governor Jon Corzine is projected to win Hudson County but early results indicate that Chris Christie is doing better than expected

November 3, 2009 (Kearny, NJ) Mayor Alberto Santos leads in the Kearny's Mayoral race. The Hudson County Clerk's office is reporting that Mayor Alberto Santos has received 3436 votes (57.76%) and John Leadbeater has received 2512 votes (27.79%). Two districts are missing but it is expected that Mayor Santos will be re-elected.