Community News

June 6, 2006 (Harrison).  Mayor Raymond McDonough retained his Mayor's seat by defeating challenger Michael Hinchcliffe.  The unofficial count was McDonough 1159 and Hinchcliffe 651.

August 4, 2006. Harrison's Former Street Department supervisor William "Billy" Tanski's indictment brings to the forefront once again the issue of political corruption in Hudson County. Hudson County has the reputation going back for decades of being a hot bed of corruption. New FBI agents reportedly are trained by reviewing case studies based on Hudson County corruption. What is about Hudson County that lends itself to corrupt political officials? Is it the water we drink? We doubt it. What leads to an atmosphere of corruption is a combination of a lack of a proactive county prosecutor's office, political patronage, voter apathy and a inactive local press (as opposed to a proactive local press).

Harrison Mayor

Raymond J. McDonough* 1,586 (59%)

Anselmo Millan 1,088 (41%)

Vote Difference: 498

Harrison Ward 1

Jesus R. Huaranga 308 (56%)

Maria J. Camano 238 (44%)

Vote Difference: 70

Harrison Ward 2

Arthur Pettigrew* 271 (46%)

Steve McCormick 316 (54%)

Vote Difference: 45

November 7, 2006.  The Millan Team for Harrison walked away with a victory in the 2nd Ward with Steven McCormick defeating Arthur Pettigrew.  An unofficial vote count had McCormick with 264 votes and the incumbent Pettigrew with 252.  Absentee and provisional ballots must be counted but its expected that the result will not change.

In the First Ward Council race, Jesus Huaranga of McDonough's ticket and Maria Camano of Millan's ticket are 81 votes apart according to an unofficial vote count.  Absentee and provisional ballots must be counted.  Huaranga received 282 votes to Camano's 201 votes.  This race may turn on the number of absentee ballots cast for each candidate.

November 24, 2006.  Avoid the Mall crowds and help support KOTW by shopping with our advertisers. 

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