October 31, 2009 (Kearny NJ) If the lines in this article are centered on the screen instead of being left justified, you are probably using MicroSoft's Internet Explorer Version 6 (IE6). To determine which version of Internet Explorer you are using, click on the Help menu at the top of the page and then select About Internet Explorer. The version number will appear after the MicroSoft Internet Explorer logo. KOTW highly recommends that you update your IE6 to the latest version.

Why update? The number one reason you should update is because IE6 does not know how to handle programming code which generates some of the neat features on KearnyOnTheWeb's new website. You want to be able to take full advantage of our new features.

The number two reason is Security*. The newer versions of Internet Explorer has better security than the older version. There are security holes in IE6 that could be exploited by internet hackers. Why take the risk.

The third reason is major websites like Facebook, You Tube and Digg have announced that they are cutting back on IE6 support. Even Twitter suggests an upgrade if you are using IE6 and its pages are not displayed as intended in IE6.

To upgrade to the newest version of MicroSoft's Internet Explorer, you can visit MicroSoft's Internet Explorer Update Page. The upgrade is free.

There are alternative Web Browsers that you should also consider. If you are reluctant to upgrade your IE6 then you should download free versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google's Chrome, or Apple's Safari. These are three excellent browsers. KOTW has tested all three and they all work well with KOTW's improved website. Keep your security blanket (IE6) and explore the web with an updated web browser. You are sure to give up IE6 in short order.

*Note: Security is actually the number one reason but KOTW's ego and sense of humor would not allow for Security to trump viewing KOTW as it was meant to be viewed.