December 2, 2006.  This week marked a first in KOTW's history.  KOTW was mentioned directly in an article entitled Don't Get Sick this week in the Observer.  The article reported on the announced cut backs in Mobile Intensive Care units serving Kearny and other neighboring towns.

On November 21st, a post entitled "Paramedics closing down, news" alerted the KOTW community to the cutbacks in service.  It was apparently also the first that Kearny town officials learned of the cut backs.  According to the Observer, "The mayor only found out about the cutbacks because someone posted information on, posting a link to MONOC’s Web site — — where the announcement was made. (It should be noted that Santos was not notified in any other manner; there was no letter, no phone call — no official notice whatsoever)."

KOTW's founder saw a need for a portal of information for West Hudson on the web.  Although KOTW has been mentioned indirectly in the past, this week marked a first: a direct mention.  Our statistics demonstrate an increase in viewership throughout the years with a spike in the past few weeks.  KOTW's founder would be proud as more and more residents are turning to KOTW as their first source of information.  MONOC's announcement demonstrates that the internet can play an important role in our community: providing timely and critical information. Has MONOC sent official notice to Mayor Alberto Santos and the council?  Did the post on KOTW's discussion board enabled Mayor Santos to mobilize town resources to insure the safety of residents which may have saved lives?  KOTW encourages its viewers to spread the word.  KOTW also thanks the Observer for the direct mention.