November 11, 2010 (Kearny, NJ) Last year, KOTW honored our Veterans with an article entitled Significance of Veterans Day
. Visiting that article today KOTW discovered some of the links already changed from last year. KOTW spent some time updating those links. Today once again we honor our Veterans and stop to remember their sacrifices and those of their family.
For those who have visited the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C., these words from the memorial's designer Maya Lin's website describes in part the sacrifice made. The experience of visiting the memorial also captures the emotions of the sacrifice.
Two black granite walls, placed below grade, engraved in chronological order with the names of the men and women who gave their lives in the Vietnam War. At the apex where the two walls meet, the dates 1959 and 1973 (marking the beginning and end of the war) "meet" thus closing the circle of the time span of the war. A returning veteran can find his or her own time upon the wall, making each one's experience of the memorial very personal and individual. The siting of the piece is directly related to the presence of both the Lincoln Monument and Washington Memorial, tying it physically and historically to the site.
In between the beginning and end of the Vietnam Memorial, Veterans and civilians experience emotions that cannot be captured in words. Today, we stop to remember our Veterans and say "Thank you".
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