December 24, 2010. (Kearny, NJ) KOTW wishes everyone Merry Christmas and a belated Happy Hanukkah. I especially want to give thanks for those who have supported KOTW throughout the years. Some have supported KOTW by taking time to express their opinion on our Discussion Board. Others have purchased some of the KOTW merchandise or made purchases by clicking on our advertisers. Every purchase insures the future success of KearnyOnTheWeb. KOTW has tried throughout the year to make improvement to the website. This year we revamped the look and feel of the website, updated KOTW's Discussion Board, and added a "Shop" section for those who are interested in supporting KOTW through shopping with our very fine advertisers.

We hope that everyone enjoys this Holiday Season. Our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones this year, the holiday season is especially tough. Remember to reach out to a neighbor or friend to share some of the holiday spirit. We give thanks for all that we have.