Photograph courtesy of Ed Murray/Star Ledger. March 20, 2012 (Kearny, NJ) Governor Chris Christie held a town meeting in Kearny. The town meeting wasn't held at the Town Hall but at the former Boy's Club on Belgrove Drive now the Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center. One wonders who could attend a town hall meeting at 10 a.m. on a Monday morning: The unemployed, seniors, politicans without a real job, or a teacher on maternity leave? Why Christie had a town meeting at 10 a.m. on a Monday is disappointing. The pictures in the press and on the Governor's website show that Kearny Councilwoman Carol Doyle and Harrison Mayor Raymond McDonough were present but KOTW didn't spot Kearny Mayor Alberto Santos or any other local politician.
Governor Christie had an interesting exchange with a yet unknown teacher on maternity leave who wanted the Governor to play nice with her teacher's union, the NJEA or the New Jersey Education Association. The Governor said he would try but if he was attacked, he would attack back. Basically, he promised nothing. The Kearny Town Meeting comes on the heals of a more controversial meeting in Roebling (NJ) where the Governor called a former Navy Seal "an idiot" after the Navy Seal, Bill Brown, protested the merger of Rutgers Camden into Rowan College. The Governor's proposal came as part of the proposal to weaken University Hospital in Newark by giving away its research facilities in Mid and South Jersey. The ultimate goal some have commented is to weaken University Hospital in Newark so that it can be sold off to St. Barnabas Hospital. Christie was more subdued at the Kearny Town Meeting than he was at the Roebling Town Meeting but that may have been more a byproduct of the audience than Christie's demeanor.
Here is the video of his exchange with the mystery teacher:
Governor Christie continues to stream-roll anyone that opposes his viewpoint. Former Navy Seal Bill Brown may be onto something. Does it make any sense to merge Rutgers Camden into Rowan college. What is behind this move by the Governor? Why is he so intent on destroying University Hospital? He has stated in the past that their is corruption in the hospital. University Hospital provides a vital function in Newark and the surrounding communities who have lost local hospitals. Where will residents go if University Hospital is decimated and taken over by a for profit hospital such as St. Barnabas Health Care System? Governor Christie called former Navy Seal Bill Brown "an idiot" but KOTW believes that the Governor used such strong language because he is attempting to hide a very bad idea. The Navy Seal may be on to something. Bill Brown had the "balls" to call Governor Christie out. More politicans need to grow a set and keep the Governor honest in his decision making.
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