March 31, 2010 (Harrison, NJ) Harrison Public School Superintendent James Doran announced that he is seeking to cut the school budget by 1.6 million in the 2010-11 school year. The Harrison Board of Education has only approved the cutting of $800,000 leaving another $800,000 cuts to be made. Superintendent Doran blames Governor Christie for cutting Harrison's aid. Governor Christie cut the Town of Harrison the amount of the excess surplus that the Harrison Board of Education had above the 2% surplus allowed by state guidelines. Therefore, Harrison may have surplus money to make up the funds cut by Governor Christie.

The Kearny school district has a budget hearing tomorrow, April 1, 2010. There are no budget cuts in the agenda despite cuts in Kearny's state aid. The state cuts are being made up by the shifting of surplus budget monies to cover monies withheld by the state.


Should teacher contracts be opened and renegotiated given the state's economic status? There are varying opinions on our Discussion Board. The freezing of teacher salaries does not seem so terrible given a high unemployment rate in the state. Join the Discussion?