November 28, 2009 (Kearny, NJ) The New York Times published a feature story on the Sopranos and mentioned Kearny. The story entitled Climb Aboard, Soprano's Fan, Next Stop, Bada Bing mentions the Irish American Association and Big Stash's Sub House both on Kearny Avenue. The Tour bus from New York City winds its way through New Jersey visiting sites where the Sopranos were filmed.

Unfortunately, one of the Kearny sites that is no longer in business is the Satriale's Pork Store on Kearny Avenue. Satriale's was demolished and is now a temporary parking lot, it's fake brick facade carefully dismantled and sold off to Soprano fans. Satriale's owner had plans to build condos but the housing market has put his plans on hold indefinitely. Or should we say on ice indefinitely.

Should Kearny's Mayor and Council encourage more tours of Kearny's Sopranos sites? Should Kearny teams up with Harrison and North Arlington sites and include local businesses in the tour to generate some extra income for local merchants? Let us know what you think on our Discussion Board.