November 15, 2009 (Harrison, NJ) On Sunday November 1, 2009, John William Counterman III was struck by an New Jersey Transit train at 11:30 a.m. in Harrison (NJ). Counterman was trespassing along the railroad tracks in an area usually not accessible by pedestrians. It is unclear why Counterman was walking along the tracks. The New Jersey Transit conductor sounded the train's horn and applied the emergency braking system but was unable to stop the training before striking Counterman. Counterman was transported to UMDNJ Hospital in Newark and admitted to the hospital's trauma unit.

Three days later his mother made the decision to remove life support and her son passed away. A very tragic story has however a silver lining. Counterman had expressed his desire to be an organ donor. His mother fulfilled his wish and donated his organs. According to a news report, Counterman's mother stated, "He was always a giver and I felt in my heart and in his soul, he would have wanted his organs donated." Which organs were donated or whether they were successfully transplanted is not known.

In New Jersey you can designate whether you wish to be an organ donor. For information on how to become a donor visit Gift of Life Donor website.