January 11, 2005 (Kearny NJ),  This week KOTW will reach a milestone.  One of KOTW's posters will post the 20,000th post on the board.  The present Discussion Board was unveiled on August 28, 2003.  The original KOTW's discussion board goes back to 2000.  On a daily basis, local residents discuss local and national issues.  In December, the major discussion was not a local issue but a national issue: The War in Iraq.  The level of discussion was impressive.  Just when you think the discussions have tapered off, a new discussion thread will generate interest from posters. 

KOTW's goal in 2006 is to increase its readership.   Although KOTW's readership has increased in the past year, it is still a small fraction of West Hudson's population.  KOTW has never advertised and every reader has found the website by word of mouth (or by searching the internet).  If you conduct a search on Google for Kearny NJ, Kearnyontheweb is number 10.  If you conduct a search on Google for Mayor Alberto Santos, we are number two on the list.  If you conduct a search on Google for Kuehne Chemical, our Environment page is number four.

KOTW's needs your help.  If you page down, you will find flyers ready to be printed out and distributed.  Every flyer that is distributed is a potential new reader of KOTW.  In addition, KOTW seeks your support in making purchases through our advertisers.  There is no increased cost to you but KOTW benefits from your patronage.  If your support continues, KOTW will be able to conduct an advertising campaign this year.  If you have any suggestions, articles, pictures or other items you feel should be published by KOTW, email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.